MAKIN IT trio insta pic EDITED 7-2016


Recently radio shows for entrepreneurs and podcasts have resurfaced as a great learning tool. radio shows and podcasts allow experts to bring a variety of ideas and perspectives to the table. Radio shows and podcasts make learning simple – just tune in or download the file, plug in youR earphones, and go about your regularly scheduled life. Get a workout, cook dinner, go for a walk – and learn about something to improve yourself and the business at the same time. This is ideal for a busy entrepreneur.

Makin It focuses on helping early stage and start-up entrepreneurs with big dreams to overcome the many entrepreneurial struggles out there and come out victorious. It is truly an inspirational show if you are struggling in your entrepreneurial business life.

The enduring story of the “bounce back” and the underdog speaks to an issue everyone faces in some form in life and business.

“Can I take these setbacks aka punches and even a defeat and bounce back?”

You see in business we must take punch after punch. Those who understand this is part of the game, survive and ultimately thrive. Those who do not figure this out become upset and take their eyes off of the prize. Most entrepreneurs I know are in a constant state of trying to solve a problem in their business.

There’s lots of attention given to the “start-up” idea, and the creativity or uniqueness of a product that comes from an entrepreneurial business, but what most people don’t get is the struggle you must overcome to make your business work — and how often it appears NOTHING is working.

Those of us familiar with entrepreneurship will recognize that there are times when…

You feel misunderstood.
No one buying?
Deal fell through?
Bank balance low?
Big meeting delayed?
Unexpected setback?
Yes they all happen occasionally!

Even after you experience success you can feel like you’re on thin ice. This is just the way it is for most businesses — in every industry.

If you’ve been in business for a decent amount of time, you know things turn around — and incredibly so, when you keep going at it.

Business is about bouncing back. “There are countless business books and radio shows out there but not many that address bouncing back or getting back up after you’ve been knocked down again…

Makin’ It was started by Tommy and Todd because they wanted to explain how their entrepreneurial journey had evolved and wanted to “get real” about the many times they had stumbled yet gotten back up to fight and win.

We see more wins, growth and opportunity for you coming and just wanted to let you know today that there’s a fighter in you too — and more big victories to come.

Our show and website gives you resources to help you break through, bounce back, come from behind, and win! Makin It the radio show is the best source for young entrepreneurs who need a fresh look on your business situation. The show tells the stories of business owners who made it and what they needed to do to take their business to the next level. If you are struggling with any aspect of your company, from cashflow, employees, leadership or marketing, Tommy and Todd have you covered.

Tommy and Todd are there for beginners in the business world. They give guidance on what you need to know about the initial start-up of your business. They discuss ideas, their past, motivation, inspiration, and more.

Makin’ It features interviews with big name entrepreneurs. Learn their strategies, tips, struggles, and keys to success.

You will get insight from entrepreneurs who have been in your shoes. Being able to listen to how someone overcame their issues could help you conquer your own challenges.

They discuss ideas, their past, inspiration and about the different aspects of business and how they reached the top through hard work and dedication and also feature a look into the lives of the top paid people in the world. Tommy and Todd explore tools and tips these people used to make it and get where they are today. It can give you some insight on what you need to do to get your business off the ground.

This show should not be missed if you are in the business field to stay!