Today’s Show Recap

Thanks for listening to Makin’ It. On this week’s episode, on Show Buzz, Tommy, Todd and Brittany take a look at “Undercover Boss.” On The Fix, Tommy and Todd talk about how to make a career comeback. Also this week, the Doubt Whisperer returns. Finally, on Makin’ It or Breakin’ it, the gang poses the question: Is the future of business in good hands with Millennials? Let us know what you think of the show in the comments section at the bottom of the page!

There’s no time for doubt because it’s time to start the show!

Show Buzz:

Undercover Boss, Career Comebacks, Millennials, Makin It NowTommy, Todd and Brittany start the show with Show Buzz, and this week they take a look at “Undercover Boss.” On CBS for seven years, the show lets high-level executives in large companies take on the lowest-level jobs, such as a janitor or assembly line worker, in their organizations to see how the companies are run from the bottom. On a rare occasion, bosses are recognized, but it seldom happens, as many laborers don’t know the owners of their companies.

Many of the bosses take on roles in their companies they are not equipped for. While accustomed to using their brains to troubleshoot on-the-job problems, they are not used to using their hands. Some bosses even get fired because they are unable to perform their new jobs, often being too inefficient.

It is sometimes difficult to determine the authenticity of the show because of all the stellar camera shots but often, the employees are told the film crew is present to film a training video for the company. Regardless of how present the camera crews are, many of the people on the show still don’t perform as well as they could, contributing to the show’s authenticity. What do you think of “Undercover Boss?” Let us know in the comments section.

OMG Fact of the Week:
In 2003, there were 86 days of below freezing weather in Hell, MI.


The Fix:

career comebackIn the next edition of The Fix, Tommy and Todd discuss steps to take when a career comeback is necessary. At any age in life, a career change might be needed. Whether a change of career is necessary because of choice or downsizing, falling into the trap of maintaining the status quo isn’t an option. Self-empowerment is critical at this time, and there are things people can do to aid them on their paths.

Getting clarity about the kind of job that is desired is foremost. Additionally, physical, mental and educational makeovers are required. Also, researching the companies that have the desired jobs is critical. Job seekers must get to know what the company makes as well as who the decision makers are within.

Another approach toward a career comeback is to follow the three P’s: Purpose, Possibility and Power. The first step a person can take is to find his purpose. There is an old technique for determining purpose: going to a magazine section and finding the favorite one. This technique will provide insight toward where a person’s passion truly lies. And, if a person if passionate about his work, he is more likely to be successful with his career comeback. The next step is possibility, and this requires a person to have a positive attitude and believe a career comeback is possible. Finally, there is power, and this requires a person to empower himself to get the training and education to become better and get the desired job in the field he wants.

Technology and the economy are constantly changing the workplace, and people have to be open to reinvention when a career comeback is necessary. What do you think it takes to make a career comeback? Why do you think career comebacks are necessary? Let us know in the comments section.

The Doubt Whisperer:

rejection, undercover bossNo matter how many times doubt tries to get in your way, it can’t block you as long as your dreams are always your main focus. Did you know award-winning novelist Kurt Vonnegut received more than 800 rejection letters before he got his first manuscript published?

He could have used any one of those letters as a reason for why he was no good, but he didn’t. He saw past the doubt brought on by each rejection and took clear, direct action: he kept sending out manuscripts.

And he’s not alone. Some of the biggest world changers in our history struggled with doubt, but they never let it win because they had a vision for something greater.

Visionaries are amazing people. Once they have a vision they keep moving forward. For example, Harry S. Truman, the 33rd president of the United States, struggled with crippling doubt throughout his early life, but he committed himself to the belief that he could make a difference in the world. And make a difference he did! Truman is credited with helping to end World War II, which is pretty amazing for someone who revealed in letters to friends that he had daily battles with self-doubt.

Thomas Edison is another world changing person who had every reason to give in to doubt when his teachers labeled him “too dumb to learn” and he experienced failures while inventing. However, he refused to let doubts about himself block his future.

What would our world look like if pioneers, inventors, and artists of the past had given in to doubt? What will our world look like if you give in to yours? This has been Tommy the Doubt Whisperer, for more information on overcoming self-doubt to win, go to

Makin’ It or Breakin’ It:

Finally, Tommy, Todd and Brittany end the show with the Makin’ It or Breakin’ It segment. This week they ask the question: Is the future of business safe in the hands of Millennials?

Throughout history, there is an upside and a downside to each generation. Not that long ago, hippies were credited with starting the drug lifestyle, but now they are running the country, with many doing quite well. It is likely Millennials will follow the same trend as their predecessors.

While there is a lot of hope for Millennials, their upbringing has called some of their behavior to question. While how their parents raised them isn’t their fault, they still exhibit a low-competition lifestyle, still with the notion that everyone gets a trophy. Their lack of competitiveness, while noble for bring the world together, may cause a problem for their generation. Competition is a part of human nature, and many Millennials may not be prepared for the world that is being handed to them.

However, about one-percent of the Millennial generation is extremely bright, ambitious and very competitive. And, on top of those qualities, they want to make the world a better place. In addition, much of the world is changing, and Millennials are very apt at adapting to it and embracing changes. The future looks bright for Millennials, and there is much hope they will succeed. How do you think Millennials will contribute to business? How do you think Millennials will contribute to the world? Let us know in the comments section.

Thanks for tuning in to Makin’ It. Let us know what you think of the show and if you have questions about your business, send us an email at or leave us a comment below. We love to hear from our listeners and we read comments on the air. We just might choose yours for next week’s show (so don’t forget to tune in!).


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Additional Resources for Entrepreneurs:

Order Tommy’s new book, The Way of the Rich at,, and

For more information on “Undercover Boss,” click here.

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